One of the fond memories I have of my service in the Navy was the actual time at sea. There is an aura of being out in the middle of the ocean, completely out of sight of land. It really brought home the traditions and history of not just the navy, but of seafaring as well. Part of that tradition and history is captured by today’s Family First Site.
Today’s site is a cyber location that can help a visitor capture some of the magic of “going down to the sea in ships”, and heading for points unknown. It is called The Mariner’s Museum, which is located in Newport News, Virginia. This is the online site for an actual museum, where you can look at maritime artifacts from all over the world. There are pictures of Titanic remnants, nautical prints, navigational aids, maps, everything that was used on a ship. There is an extensive library, as well as exhibits on lighthouses, pirates, and a maritime album with 100 pictures and their related stories. Their current feature site is about the USS Monitor, an American ship from the Civil War, and the first ironclad ship in history.
So the next time you want to go down to the sea, just click on your mouse, and weigh anchor for this site. It is a great treat for landlubbers, cyber or otherwise.